The Ad Tech Suite Built for iGaming

betplus™ is the first ad tech company to offer a fully customized, end-to-end product suite for iGaming advertisers. We go beyond the confines of standard marketing playbooks, offering tailored solutions for the betting category.
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The betplus™ Audience Engine − a unique DMP for iGaming

Our iGaming Audience Engine is powered by a multitude of data sets within the betting ecosystem, enabling Advertisers to achieve lifetime customer value by delivering a personalized user experience.
The data in our Audience Engine is multidimensional, including sources from publishers to iGaming technology providers.

Introducing Bolt™ − Smarter Bid Decisioning equals Stronger ROI

bolt custom algorithm
Bolt™ is the first of it’s kind – a custom algorithm designed to deliver business outcomes for iGaming Advertisers.
Bolt™ is the most advanced bid-decisioning solution for the betting ecosystem. Fuelled by thousands of bid signals and custom data sets, Bolt™ makes auction-buying decisions based on variables that are unique to iGaming KPIs.”
bolt custom algorithm
Activate a Multi-Channel Approach
The betplus™ ad tech stack is actionable across all channels and platforms, allowing iGaming audiences to be targeted through a single touchpoint
  • Mobile
  • Desktop
  • Smart TV
  • DOOH
  • Gaming
  • Audio

Mobile is the most important device to consumers, containing rich data points that inform marketing across all other channels. Mobile is where the majority of sports betting and iGaming takes place. Reach consumers at critical points in time with our unique betplus mobile solutions.

Mobile ads

Our cookieless Predictive Audience solutions are actionable across all platforms, including desktop, where users turn to place bets, play online virtual casinos, read sports news, check scores, play fantasy drafts, and generally look for entertainment.

Desktop gaming ads
Smart TV

Our multi-faceted premium CTV suite reaches users on the biggest screen in the household, as well as secondary devices. We leverage ACR technology to power viewership data that makes TV addressable for brands. Reach sports fans and bettors through betplus when they are watching live games, and most receptive to advertising.

SmartTV ads

Reach consumers on the go with our data driven DOOH solutions. We connect premium brand placements outside the household with rich location data. Reach bettors in key destinations when they are attending live sporting events or other entertainment venues, and most receptive to iGaming advertising.

Digital out of home gaming ads

Our exclusive, dynamic, in-game ad suite reaches consumers across mobile, desktop, and console devices. Sports betting enthusiasts and iCasino players strongly over index against Gaming as a primary past time. Reach Sports and Entertainment Enthusiasts through the betplus gaming suite by targeting an array of game genres (Adventure, Indie, Racing, Sports, Simulation, Strategy, etc).

Laptop gaming

Tapping into all major Audio inventory sources, we reach consumers while listening to music, books, and podcasts. With the betplus audio suite, iGaming advertisers can reach avid sports fans through our Sports Listeners audience engine segment. We access all North America’s premium audio publishers.

Audio app ads